One of our Church members, Dr Isa Velez, has been accepted as a volunteer to participate on an OCMC (Orthodox Christian Mission Center) Health Care Mission Team to Guatemala on April 27 to May 6 and to Kenya August 8th to the 22, 2018. In addition to the actual medical care that she will offer, the OCMC advises to remember that it is important for others to learn what it is to be a faithful Christian through their action. OCMC has suggested the enlistment for financial support of our church community, thereby including them in the participation of the Mission work. The cost to participate in these 2 missions is $3,000 plus airfare. You are kindly asked to donate a tax deductible gift to support this health care mission. Dr. Velez will represent our Community, and that’s a unique opportunity for all of us to participate as A COMMUNITY. Please visit the address below and don’t forget to specify Dr. Velez name on the donation form: http://bit.ly/2E8rRXA. Also, checks will be accepted made out to the OCMC or Dr. Isa Velez. You may also contact Dr. Velez: dbajdu@aol.com